04022013 (Tue morning)
Salzburg, Austria
Clemens Wimmer
He sent me the reference via couch surfing
Richard is an open minded, very friendly surfer. I consider it as great, that he is travelling for 3 months in Europe. For that he has made detailed plans and is a master in keeping records of his trips. Beside that he is very good cook and can teach you in Chinese calligraphy. good luck for your upcoming destinations.
I gave my reference to Clemens
I can say Clemens is one of my best & sweet host that I met in Europe even in this world, he is very sweet and friendly host even think about drive the long distance by car from his family location to Salzburg HBF to pick you up.
Clemens speak very good in Mandarin and have owned experience as he has been studied in China & Hong Kong university before, this is amazing experience to share many topics about Asian people and philosophy.
Keep going on learning Chinese, I trust in soon future you will have chance to be in China or Taiwan. Hopefully we can meet very soon, thanks good brother.
Clemens Wimmer, my CS host in Salzburg, young and sexy Austrian.
Expert in Chinese language and also studied in China and Hong Kong University before since 2002. Clemens is very nice guy, always gentle and sharing lot of his life stories on his previous experience in China and currently in the management accounting in a steel roll business.
Salzburg, Austria
Clemens Wimmer
He sent me the reference via couch surfing
Richard is an open minded, very friendly surfer. I consider it as great, that he is travelling for 3 months in Europe. For that he has made detailed plans and is a master in keeping records of his trips. Beside that he is very good cook and can teach you in Chinese calligraphy. good luck for your upcoming destinations.
I gave my reference to Clemens
I can say Clemens is one of my best & sweet host that I met in Europe even in this world, he is very sweet and friendly host even think about drive the long distance by car from his family location to Salzburg HBF to pick you up.
Clemens speak very good in Mandarin and have owned experience as he has been studied in China & Hong Kong university before, this is amazing experience to share many topics about Asian people and philosophy.
Keep going on learning Chinese, I trust in soon future you will have chance to be in China or Taiwan. Hopefully we can meet very soon, thanks good brother.
Clemens Wimmer, my CS host in Salzburg, young and sexy Austrian.
Expert in Chinese language and also studied in China and Hong Kong University before since 2002. Clemens is very nice guy, always gentle and sharing lot of his life stories on his previous experience in China and currently in the management accounting in a steel roll business.
Clemens有個可愛的中文名字是大海. 他曾於2002年起先後前往中國江蘇南昌及香港大學研讀中文, 也是中國通專家喔. 為人斯文及風趣, 樂於分享他在中國的經驗, 目前從事於鋼鐵業貿易工作, 也知道台灣有個中鋼公司, 厲害吧. 今晚會和他分享更多有闗兩岸三地的事情.
最後很感謝他昨天下午從家鄉開了一個半小時的車程到薩斯斯堡火車站來接我, 今早又要開半個小時車程去上班. 因為復活節四天假斯結束, 大多數人今天起都要恢復上班.
另外,從他家的廚房就可以看到遠方山頂上的薩爾斯堡城堡, 也是待會我要騎他的單車去逛薩爾斯堡市各景點.
— 和 Clemens Wimmer 在Salzburg, Austria
04022013 (Tue evening)
Making the yummy Taiwanese dinner again for my best & sweet host Clemens tonight, he is one of best European I met here and also first guy can speak very good Mandarin to me, it's so cool...
今晚再度準備台灣菜給最讚的奧地利沙發主朋友Clemens Wimmer(中文名字大海), 他是我在歐洲見過最棒的友人, 而且還會流利的華語. 非常酷又友善的新好男人. — 與 Clemens Wimmer