04102013 (Wed)
Strasbourg, France
This is my French sexy & young farmer & friend Daniel, his home located in Strasbourg France. I has been stayed his place around one week and also have done a little bit effort on his vineyard.
I am excited to see his firs⋯⋯t white wine has been finished on the bottle because I also have participated some work before on his vineyard.
See more information about his profile on helpx.net
這位是我在去年2012年六月中旬在法國史特拉斯堡的葡萄園待了近一周的法國帥哥農夫Daniel家. 真高興他的個人第一支白酒已經於上周開始裝瓶, 我也貢獻過一些些小小心力.
This is my French sexy & young farmer & friend Daniel, his home located in Strasbourg France. I has been stayed his place around one week and also have done a little bit effort on his vineyard.
I am excited to see his firs⋯⋯t white wine has been finished on the bottle because I also have participated some work before on his vineyard.
See more information about his profile on helpx.net
這位是我在去年2012年六月中旬在法國史特拉斯堡的葡萄園待了近一周的法國帥哥農夫Daniel家. 真高興他的個人第一支白酒已經於上周開始裝瓶, 我也貢獻過一些些小小心力.
Richard : c'est trés bien de voir votre bouteille. J'ai aussi travaillé un peu dans votre vigne mais pas beaucoup de temps.
He sent me the reference via helpx
Richard has stayed with us for one week. He is very talkative. And I was glad to meet him because I'm a big fan of Taiwan. He has cooked a delicious Chinese dish for us. He was able to try trellising and hoeing in the vineyards.
I sent my reference to Daniel
Je suis heureux et ai eu ce chance à visitet la famille d'Ansen et rester une se maine avec eux, c'est un de mon grand rêve que je l'ai déjà penser pendant de nombreuses années.
Je vous remerci à tout ce que vous m'avez fait et donnez-moi si bon lit, très délicieuse cuisine française et beaucoup de l'autre choses.
Travaillez dans la vigne est une experience excellent & magnifique, mais c'est dommage que je ne peux que rester plus d'une semaine.
En fin, je vais feliciter l'anniversaire d'une année à Leonie (le 24 juillet), elle est mignonne comme la petite princesse.
Je souhaite que votre entreprise vin sera très réussie.