04042013 (Thu)
Hotel Sacher 沙河飯店
Hotel Sacher 沙河飯店
Vienna, Austria 奧地利, 維也納
The famous Sacher cake located in the city center as same name to the hotel Sacher, this is my 2nd time to see it (another time is in Salzburg, Hotel Sacher Salzburg). The afternoon I was been there and waiting on the line, as you can image that such most famous dessert in Vienna, the price is VERY unfriendly but still have lot of tourists and customers waiting to taste this yummy tea time.
I ordered one small cup of cappuccino and one slice piece of Sacher cake, it charged around 10 euros (included tip).
維也納最著名的甜點之一沙河蛋糕, 位於市中心購物大道上, 同名於沙河飯店. 這家是我第二次看到的同名飯店(另一家是位於薩爾斯堡的分店). 那天下午親自去沙河飯店的咖啡廳朝聖, 價格果然一點都不親民, 但仍然吸引眾多觀光客及消費者品嚐下午茶.
我點了一杯卡布其諾及一塊沙河蛋糕, 含服務費總共是十歐元. (台幣約四百塊).
-在 Saher HotelThe famous Sacher cake located in the city center as same name to the hotel Sacher, this is my 2nd time to see it (another time is in Salzburg, Hotel Sacher Salzburg). The afternoon I was been there and waiting on the line, as you can image that such most famous dessert in Vienna, the price is VERY unfriendly but still have lot of tourists and customers waiting to taste this yummy tea time.
I ordered one small cup of cappuccino and one slice piece of Sacher cake, it charged around 10 euros (included tip).
維也納最著名的甜點之一沙河蛋糕, 位於市中心購物大道上, 同名於沙河飯店. 這家是我第二次看到的同名飯店(另一家是位於薩爾斯堡的分店). 那天下午親自去沙河飯店的咖啡廳朝聖, 價格果然一點都不親民, 但仍然吸引眾多觀光客及消費者品嚐下午茶.
我點了一杯卡布其諾及一塊沙河蛋糕, 含服務費總共是十歐元. (台幣約四百塊).
Tripadvisor -
Cafe Sacher Vienna
Philharmonikerstrasse 4, Vienna 1010, Austria
Tel : 43 01 51456 0