03292013 (Fri)
Munich, Germany
This sexy man name David from Georgia (republic of... not in USA) studied in Munich and worked here for some years. Now he is location independent entrepreneur, he is my CS host in Munich and so happy to meet him and his family (his wife and little boy) tomorrow morning.
這位年青有為帥哥是David, 喬治亞共和國人(不是美國喬治亞州)。他在慕尼黑留學及工作數年,目前是慕尼黑當地白領年青企業家,也是明天及後天我的慕尼黑沙發主,真高興明早和他及老婆和寶貝兒子見面。
David Svanidze
He sent me the reference
It was great experience to host Richard! I never talked to any person from Taiwan and it was very interesting to hear so much about his country and culture! Richard is great guy and also very good cook - his chicken curry was super delicious! He shared a lot of interesting stories with us. As always the last times, it is pity I had to work so much and didn't have a lot of time... Sorry for that and thanks for being so good guest!
My reference gave to David
David is greatest CS host and his sweet family is so friendly to take care new surfer and give me any assistance whatever I need at his home.
Thanks for your hospitality to accept my couch request and share lots of life & travel experience with me. Your little boy Alexander is SUPER cute kid as I met in Europe. Olga is pretty and most beautiful lady even my niece left the message on the face book too. Thanks for sharing your family love to warm my long journey in Europe. didi madloba!
Munich, Germany
This sexy man name David from Georgia (republic of... not in USA) studied in Munich and worked here for some years. Now he is location independent entrepreneur, he is my CS host in Munich and so happy to meet him and his family (his wife and little boy) tomorrow morning.
這位年青有為帥哥是David, 喬治亞共和國人(不是美國喬治亞州)。他在慕尼黑留學及工作數年,目前是慕尼黑當地白領年青企業家,也是明天及後天我的慕尼黑沙發主,真高興明早和他及老婆和寶貝兒子見面。
David Svanidze
He sent me the reference
It was great experience to host Richard! I never talked to any person from Taiwan and it was very interesting to hear so much about his country and culture! Richard is great guy and also very good cook - his chicken curry was super delicious! He shared a lot of interesting stories with us. As always the last times, it is pity I had to work so much and didn't have a lot of time... Sorry for that and thanks for being so good guest!
My reference gave to David
David is greatest CS host and his sweet family is so friendly to take care new surfer and give me any assistance whatever I need at his home.
Thanks for your hospitality to accept my couch request and share lots of life & travel experience with me. Your little boy Alexander is SUPER cute kid as I met in Europe. Olga is pretty and most beautiful lady even my niece left the message on the face book too. Thanks for sharing your family love to warm my long journey in Europe. didi madloba!