03232013 (Sat)
Wiesbaden, Germany
Heiko Francfort
He sent his reference to me
Richard is a very friendly guy. He helped me to protest against the newly introduced "television tax", even it was cold and windy. He accompanied me while shopping at Globetrotter outdoor store. We did some sightseeing and visited my family. He told me a lot about Taiwanese and other Asian cultures. He cooked a delicious meal. If I have time and money I would like to visit him in Taiwan.
My reference gave to Heiko
Heiko, you are my best German brother and my country, city and my home is always welcome to you visit us in soonest future. Je suis contenet de te reconnaitre en Allemand et a bientot.
I received the 1st couch invitation from Heiko and he is super friendly and always smile to his surfer since our first meet in train station.
I received the 1st couch invitation from Heiko and he is super friendly and always smile to his surfer since our first meet in train station.
As same as per his profile, Heiko has big heart than his tall height, also sport addicted on Iron man Triathlon (he has shinning sport medal on his house wall).
We shared lots of talk both on our travel, life and love stories. In addition, he invited me to join the demonstration to again "TV tax" in city center of Frankfurt and another day to go to his patent's home to join his cousin's birthday party. This is wonderful & fantastic experience to feel their truly family love. His cousin made SUPER delicious dessert & cake and dinner for everyone. I am so lucky to be one of their VIP guest.
此次長途的東歐旅行計劃, Heiko是第一位在沙發衝浪的HOST主動給我邀請到他家入住的沙發主, 他為人非常友善, 從上周六在法蘭克福車站開始和他見面後, 一直都和親切和善.
如同他的沙發衝浪檔案, Heiko的親切善良和他的187公分身高成正比, 也是運動健將及鐵人三項高手. (今年一月他在比賽中得到一枚銀牌, 真厲害).
⋯⋯ 上周六一見面後, Heiko就找我一起去參加市中心的反對電視稅遊行活動 (德國打算年底對家中有電視和有網路電視的消費者課徵每個月八歐元的電視稅, 即每個月要繳交台幣約320元). 周日下午和他一同回到他父母家鄉, 參加他的表弟生日慶祝. 他表弟是個專業廚師, 下午茶蛋糕及甜點, 晚上的大餐都是他表弟一手包辦. 我有準備一個小禮, 繡有福字的中國結的生日小禮. 很榮幸的參加他的家庭晚宴活動.
如同他的沙發衝浪檔案, Heiko的親切善良和他的187公分身高成正比, 也是運動健將及鐵人三項高手. (今年一月他在比賽中得到一枚銀牌, 真厲害).
⋯⋯ 上周六一見面後, Heiko就找我一起去參加市中心的反對電視稅遊行活動 (德國打算年底對家中有電視和有網路電視的消費者課徵每個月八歐元的電視稅, 即每個月要繳交台幣約320元). 周日下午和他一同回到他父母家鄉, 參加他的表弟生日慶祝. 他表弟是個專業廚師, 下午茶蛋糕及甜點, 晚上的大餐都是他表弟一手包辦. 我有準備一個小禮, 繡有福字的中國結的生日小禮. 很榮幸的參加他的家庭晚宴活動.