Mar 27-28 (Wed/Thu)
Nurnberg, Germany.
Sebastian, my CS host located in Nurnberg.
Sebastian, my CS host located in Nurnberg.
Sebastian Kappel
He sent his reference to me
I hosted Richard in one of our Apartments in my Business. Because i was very busy and also going to a Ski Trip in this days. So we have only a short time together. But in this time i can say..Richard is a very very friendly Person. If you come again to Nuremberg you are welcome to stay then in my Home. I wish you for your long Tour in Europe..a save trip and the best time in your life. Take care and see you. Cheers,
My reference gave to Sebastian
Meet Sebastian is very nice experience, he offered me one nice & comfort studio near his office, let me feel I have a “HOME” in Nurnburg.
In fact we did not have much talk due to his working on days but I still happy to visit some interesting places as like one museum very closed to his office and another one called DB train museum located in city center, near to Nurnburg HBF.
Wish you have nice ski holidays in Alps. Bon voyage
My reference gave to Sebastian
Meet Sebastian is very nice experience, he offered me one nice & comfort studio near his office, let me feel I have a “HOME” in Nurnburg.
In fact we did not have much talk due to his working on days but I still happy to visit some interesting places as like one museum very closed to his office and another one called DB train museum located in city center, near to Nurnburg HBF.
Wish you have nice ski holidays in Alps. Bon voyage
One of super nice friend in Germany, offered me one very comfort studio by free charge for 2 nights, he told me that he is GM in a Hotel and Boardinghouse (His company name called Rent a House, see the below website).
Sebastian, 這位型男帥哥是我在德國紐倫堡市, 提供我二晚免費的高級個人套房住宿. 實在有夠體貼的好沙發主. 他公司本身是提供出租公寓套房服務, 以月為單位, 最少是要租一個月為期單數.
Additional story:
This noon I met this gentleman and his wife and young boy on the tram to Nurnberg train station, they come from Saudi Arabia and the husband is trained in Germany for one year. Later I search a store to get sandwich for lunch, I met their family again. His wife is too shy to take picture with us. — 在 Nuernberg Hbf
Sebastian: This is funny Richard.. This Family are Guests in RentaHome
Richard: Really? I met them on the tram left from your office location and met then again while I took lunch in Munich station. I have short talk with this family, very nice people. If you meet again, please help me to present my greeting to them. I just finished to taste the yummy Saher cake in Saher hotel in Vienna, the price is quite experience.
Sebastian: Yes really.. I talk yesterday to him..the he met you. He was surprised that i know this Greetings back to you. And Sacher Cake is a must have in Vienna I try this years before too. So enjoy you time "Travelholic".
Richard: The world is soooooo small connected to our truly and innocent heart, I believe that in soonest future we can meet again too.
Sebastian: It is!! And of course. Why not.