05182013 (Sat afternoon)
Krakow, Poland
波蘭, 克拉科夫
Unexpected experience to see our greatest national flag of TAIWAN appeared in the science exhibition located in Main Square of Old town in Krakow city, this booth is displayed from Uniwer⋯⋯sytet Jagielloński.
The picture I took with the left side young Polish student name Konrad, he can speak very good in Taiwanese tone - Chinese, he told me that last year he was exchange student in Kaohsiung National Sun Yat-sen University around 5 months.
Krakow, Poland
波蘭, 克拉科夫
Unexpected experience to see our greatest national flag of TAIWAN appeared in the science exhibition located in Main Square of Old town in Krakow city, this booth is displayed from Uniwer⋯⋯sytet Jagielloński.
The picture I took with the left side young Polish student name Konrad, he can speak very good in Taiwanese tone - Chinese, he told me that last year he was exchange student in Kaohsiung National Sun Yat-sen University around 5 months.
It is so nice to meet this interesting Polish student called Konrad Piwowarczyk and shared his experience about five months of his exchange student life in National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2012.
His fashion T-shirt shown the TAIWAN both in Chinese & English word and also included obvious KMT logo. Very cool guy.
The below link is his school website:
意想不到會在波蘭克拉考夫舊城廣場上的大學科研博覽會上看到有一所學校名稱為Uniwersytet Jagielloński的攤位上出現台灣的國旗.
與我一同合照的左側這位波蘭年輕同學名字是Konrad (小名叫啤酒康勇). 他能講一口道地台灣腔的流利中文, 他表示去年曾前住台灣高雄的中山大學, 為期五個月的交換學生經驗.
他的T恤上有台灣的中英文字樣, 右下側也有明顯的國民黨黨徽. — 與 Konrad Piwowarczyk