05022013 (Thu)
Venice, Italy
Acc. to Taiwanese famous gourmet writer Liangi Han and her book - Visit the traditional market in Europe. She stated some of best local food is located near the traditional market, this is best way to observe⋯⋯ local people's life and taste to yummy local cuisine.
Yes, I searched one very nice & small restaurant called Pronto Pesce, just next to the fish market. I went to there and saw lots of local old customers said hello to the owner, look as like the very good & long-term friendship. They always present their charming smile to guests and of course all food look are very delicious.
The official website of this restaurant is as below:
Reg. the book of Liangi Han - Visit the traditional market in Europe.
You can also search related reference from tripadvisor website:
Acc. to Taiwanese famous gourmet writer Liangi Han and her book - Visit the traditional market in Europe. She stated some of best local food is located near the traditional market, this is best way to observe⋯⋯ local people's life and taste to yummy local cuisine.
Yes, I searched one very nice & small restaurant called Pronto Pesce, just next to the fish market. I went to there and saw lots of local old customers said hello to the owner, look as like the very good & long-term friendship. They always present their charming smile to guests and of course all food look are very delicious.
The official website of this restaurant is as below:
Reg. the book of Liangi Han - Visit the traditional market in Europe.
You can also search related reference from tripadvisor website:
I ordered the below two cuisines showing on the pictures, total price is 15 euros.
根據台灣美食名作家韓良憶小姐的著作(在歐洲‧逛市集). 她書中提及很多當地城市最美味的佳餚可以在傳統市場附近找到, 並且可以進一步觀察到當地人的生活及品嚐當地美味料理.
依照她所說的, 我的確在義大利水都威尼斯知名傳統市場Rialto market的魚市旁發現一家很讚的小餐館. 進入這家店後, 發現很多忠誠老顧客很自然的和老闆聊起來, 就像是多年老友一樣的閒話家常. 店家始終維持親切微笑, 店內美食當然令人食指大動.
我點了二道菜, 總共消費了15歐. 不算便宜但非常值得.更多 — 在Venice, Veneto