05162013 (Thu noon)
Berlin, Germany
Thanks for all the CS hosts in Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany (Berlin)
I appreciated all nice & very friendly hosts while we met in these beautiful cites, thanks again for everyone of you to enrich my vision and the fantastic journey.
May 01 & 02 - Selena (Venice, Italy)
May 03 & 04 - Carlos (Milano, Italy)
May 05 & 08 - Celin Vlad Puscasiu (Bucharest, Romania)
May 10 & 11 - Pozor Angel Zdravko (Sofia, Bulgaria)
May 12 & 13 - Ilian (Sofia, Bulgaria)
May 14 & 15 - Luca Pizzamiglio (Berlin, Germany)
感謝以下在義大利威尼斯&米蘭, 羅馬尼亞首都布加勒斯特, 保加利亞首都索非亞及德國首都柏林等地接待我的各位熱情好客的沙發主, 因為有你們陪伴, 這趟歐洲行增加濃厚歡樂及人情味.