May 09 今天是我在德國第12天, 也是在第二個host家的第3天. (周一晚到達, 周二沒客戶就公休, 今天和昨天一樣一直下小雨).
今天上午我主要協助打掃餐廳及吧台, 連續發生二次烏龍事件, 在清潔咖啡機時連續2次把杯內咖啡豆打翻, 灑落一地. 老闆只是笑笑要我小心點, 大概浪費約300克豆子. 這種事要是在台灣, 鐵定被老闆駡死.
今天上午我主要協助打掃餐廳及吧台, 連續發生二次烏龍事件, 在清潔咖啡機時連續2次把杯內咖啡豆打翻, 灑落一地. 老闆只是笑笑要我小心點, 大概浪費約300克豆子. 這種事要是在台灣, 鐵定被老闆駡死.
老闆Thomas是德國型男, 183公分左右. 長的很像網球前球王阿格西, 他來頭可不小, 曾在數家五星級飯店擔任主廚, 如Hilton hotel...也在紐西蘭南島和老婆一開設Lemon Tree Cafe & restaurant. 老闆娘Alexandra是德國美女, 有175公分上下.曾在倫敦就學拿到飯店管理碩士, 任職Hilton sales manager. 他們有一對超可愛的寶貝兒子, 男生Gregor六歲, 女生Aurélie四歲. 老闆說暑假及聖誕節新年假期是旅館旺季, 其餘時間是淡季, 每年大約有三個月左右沒營業休息. 旅館內同時有美國加州來的22歲美女Kate和法國西北諾曼第地區來的21歲帥哥Thoma來當helper.
Black forest, Germany: 德南黑森林家庭旅館. 老闆Thomas像美國網球名將阿格西. 天天用德國啤酒灌醉我. 黑森林風景超級美,
來自全球各地helper已有數百人, 超熱門的host. 老闆和老闆娘都曾在Hilton工作過. 主要工作是廚房洗碗及整理房務.
我在德南黑森林的family hotel打工換宿時,看到2008-2012四年多居然有數百人來這家過。 去年五月底要離開前老闆娘alexandra說光是暑假期間收到全球各地申請要來的人超過百位,她只能回絶大多數人。另外歐美志工大多是20-25歲上下最多。
Below are my reference for this awesome family, original reference left on the this link:
Sorry for my late comments as I am still in traveling in west Europe. So nice experience to stay at Thomas & Alexs' for 2 weeks from May 9-20. They are always sweet smile, cheerful, powerful and a lot of energy to welcome the morning of every days.
Same as previous helpers' comment, you will feel that from Monday to Thursday to own much more private time to discover the beauty of black forest, I prefer to ride their bike and enjoy the green space of this small but pretty village. The busy time is around every Friday till to Sunday, there are lot of guests will check in and also taste the delicious German cuisine from Thomas' professional and hot passionate of his cooking. Their kids Gregor and Aurelie are vivid and vigoro, easy to play with new helpers and share their happiness on truly smile.
I also made one sketch of their family members & hotel. Giving chinese name for every members and wish they will like my chinese calligraphy and rembmer me at any time. (Thomas always gave me a waring: Do not work too hard and too long, LOL).
來自全球各地helper已有數百人, 超熱門的host. 老闆和老闆娘都曾在Hilton工作過. 主要工作是廚房洗碗及整理房務.
我在德南黑森林的family hotel打工換宿時,看到2008-2012四年多居然有數百人來這家過。 去年五月底要離開前老闆娘alexandra說光是暑假期間收到全球各地申請要來的人超過百位,她只能回絶大多數人。另外歐美志工大多是20-25歲上下最多。
Below are my reference for this awesome family, original reference left on the this link:
Sorry for my late comments as I am still in traveling in west Europe. So nice experience to stay at Thomas & Alexs' for 2 weeks from May 9-20. They are always sweet smile, cheerful, powerful and a lot of energy to welcome the morning of every days.
Same as previous helpers' comment, you will feel that from Monday to Thursday to own much more private time to discover the beauty of black forest, I prefer to ride their bike and enjoy the green space of this small but pretty village. The busy time is around every Friday till to Sunday, there are lot of guests will check in and also taste the delicious German cuisine from Thomas' professional and hot passionate of his cooking. Their kids Gregor and Aurelie are vivid and vigoro, easy to play with new helpers and share their happiness on truly smile.
I also made one sketch of their family members & hotel. Giving chinese name for every members and wish they will like my chinese calligraphy and rembmer me at any time. (Thomas always gave me a waring: Do not work too hard and too long, LOL).