It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.
Meet great CS new friends in Macau and see you soon again in Taiwan.
澳門認識的新好友SAM HUI, 期待月底在台灣的再度會面.
澳門認識的新好友SAM HUI, 期待月底在台灣的再度會面.
Sam HUI 許國杰 – 「動感天空 – Fun In Sky」教育娛樂師及執行總監
— 和 Sam Hui 在Rua do Cunha 官也街。
Sleeping in Macau airport
Dormir dans l'aéroport de Macao
心得: 夭壽的累, 只有鐵椅, 沒有躺椅.
My experience: VERY tired & exhausted to take short rest in airport, the only one you can see in Macau airport is to sit on steel chairs, no ANY Deck chairs.
一個航廈, 八個登機門!
Just one airport terminal, 8 boarding gate.
三樓出境大廳只有一家McDonald's. 11點闗門.
Just only have one Mcdonald's on the 3th floor of departure hall, closed at 23pm.
No other choice for other restaurant or convenient stores can offer the beverage or hot food.
Check other passengers' comment about Sleeping airport in Macau on the below link.